Thursday, July 01, 2010

99 - 0

The General who President Bush picked from obscurity in 2007 to lead the fight in Iraq and who was essentially called a liar by then-Senator Hillary Clinton (now Secretary of State) during subsequent Senate testimony, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate yesterday to be the new Commander in Afghanistan.

Recalling how President Obama's hiding of Gen. Eric "Wildly Off the Mark" Shinseki at Veteran Affairs was some kind of repudiation of Bush, I wonder if the liberal extremists who control the media see President Obama's selection of Gen. Petraeus to lead the fight in Afghanistan as a validation and vindication of President Bush.

The vote for President Bush's general was 99 - 0, all 58 Senate Democrats voting for Petraeus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a turnaround from the "General Betray-us" days, eh? Guess Bush knew something after all.

6:28 AM  

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