Never Waste a Crisis III
Too funny.
Here's the opening few paragraphs of today's lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal:
Not too many weeks ago it looked as if President Obama's cap-and-tax program for energy was dead for this year. But with the political and media left whacking the President for his handling of the worst spill in U.S. history, Democrats have suddenly decided that this is one more crisis that shouldn't go to waste.
Consult Mr. Obama's remarks last Wednesday about "the future we must seize" at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon. "The time has come, once and for all, for this nation to fully embrace a clean energy future," he said. "I want you to know, the votes may not be there now, but I intend to find them in the coming months."
Nancy Pelosi forced House Democrats to walk the cap-and-tax plank last July, and the White House now plans a summer push in the Senate, where Midwest and coal-state Democrats are still leery of imposing huge new energy costs on their constituents. But Democrats won't stop merely because cap and tax is unpopular and destructive. ObamaCare was too. (End of the first few paragraphs of the lead editorial in today's Wall Street Journal, Obama's Oil Crisis Politics, June 7, 2010.)
Too funny.
Here's the opening few paragraphs of today's lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal:
Not too many weeks ago it looked as if President Obama's cap-and-tax program for energy was dead for this year. But with the political and media left whacking the President for his handling of the worst spill in U.S. history, Democrats have suddenly decided that this is one more crisis that shouldn't go to waste.
Consult Mr. Obama's remarks last Wednesday about "the future we must seize" at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon. "The time has come, once and for all, for this nation to fully embrace a clean energy future," he said. "I want you to know, the votes may not be there now, but I intend to find them in the coming months."
Nancy Pelosi forced House Democrats to walk the cap-and-tax plank last July, and the White House now plans a summer push in the Senate, where Midwest and coal-state Democrats are still leery of imposing huge new energy costs on their constituents. But Democrats won't stop merely because cap and tax is unpopular and destructive. ObamaCare was too. (End of the first few paragraphs of the lead editorial in today's Wall Street Journal, Obama's Oil Crisis Politics, June 7, 2010.)
endeavoring to find the right "ass to kick" is not Presidential. Speaking this way to close confidantes in the "privacy" of the Oval Office is one thing. Speaking it to a broadcast "journalist" is unseemly. Accepting this type of language from our leader is further evidence our culture is in full scale decline. Worse yet...we probably haven't hit bottom.
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