Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vile Demagoguery of Liberal Extremists Exposed

Attached is a link to a piece by Leslie Gelb, who served in senior positions at State and Defense in the Johnson and Carter administrations so you get a sense of his lack of qualifications, which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on June 12:


In the piece, Mr. Gelb argues that President Obama can benefit politically by moving Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over to Defense in the short term and then add her to the ticket for 2012. Gelb suggests Obama move Biden from the VP role to the State role, “a fitting capstone to an impressive career in public service”.

I’m not going to repeat Mr. Gelb’s thinking here, you can read the link for the asinine details.

Instead, I’m noting what’s not in the piece:

Madame Secretary and the Vice President voted for the war in Iraq.

Madame Secretary and the Vice President voted to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with every vote they cast through September 2007.

Madame Secretary has presided over a State Department which has reasserted President Bush on the war in Iraq; the war in Afghanistan; the use of Predator drones in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen; state secrets; renditions; sanctions on Iran and Burma; Guantanamo; Six Party Talks; the Two-State solution; etc., etc., etc.

None of the reassertions of Bush/Cheney draw the slightest mention by Gelb, nor would they be acknowledged by any hypocritical liberal extremist (yes, the phrase is redundant).

As we see day after day, the liberals and Democrats were without any core convictions or principles in the run-up to the 2008 elections; there was no dead GI the liberals were not prepared to demagogue for a vote. Mr. Gelb suggests the liberals and Democrats remain coreless today and will so through 2012.


Anonymous hardball said...

General McChrystal is right. But he should have resigned then made his comments. Since he didn't resign, he must now be fired.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hardball, you are right on with your comment. I am sure he is expecting his walking papers shortly and he's a pretty smart guy, it is likely what he was looking for anyway.

9:53 PM  

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