Saturday, June 06, 2009

Ellen Goodman's American Holocaust Denial

My letter to the editor of the Boston Globe this morning; it needs no introduction or explanation other than letting you know the quote in the second sentence was modified by replacing "a doctor of" with "the" for obvious reasons:


Pro-abortion zealot Ms. Ellen Goodman can’t see mass slaughter for the opportunity to demagogue a murder (The myth of a lone shooter, June 5, A15).

In eulogizing abortionist George Tiller, Ms. Goodman writes, “He was (the) last resort for many women, especially those women for whom the sonogram did not bring joy and glad tidings.”

But what of those where the sonogram showed a perfectly healthy baby?

It was so predictable that the pro-abortion extremists would dismiss the denunciation of Tiller’s murder by all the legitimate pro-life organizations, just as Ms. Goodman has done.

But, where in the pro-abortion camp is there anything close to even feigned condemnation of the outright slaughter of innocent, healthy, human life; a slaughter that Ms. Goodman implies exists?

Where’s Ms. Goodman’s condemnation or denunciation?

Ms. Goodman's silence exposes the disingenuousness of her entire column.

Further, using Ms. Goodman's logic, her silence indicts her as an accomplice in the slaughter. (End of letter.)

There are whispers that the sickly Latina Sonia Sotomayor may be pro-life. For those new to Supreme Court politics, abortion is THE issue that gets the supporters and detractors of SCOTUS nominees riled-up. If more evidence surfaces that the sickly Latina really is pro-life, watch how my prediction of just a few days ago comes true.

As I've covered here before, according to the CDC, African-Americans abort pregnancies at more than three times the rate of whites. Can't we all imagine the race wars if Republicans supported national public health policy that promoted this disproportionate slaughter?

Maybe if a Senator had the courage to ask, (s)he could ask during Sotomayor's confirmation hearings, "Leaving aside the Constitutionality for just a moment, what is your visceral reaction to hearing of a national public health policy that required Latinas to be aborted at three times the rate of any other defining characteristic of all unborn babies?"


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