Friday, March 21, 2008

Hate-Bush Drumbeat Goes On

Surpassing the 5 year anniversary of the war in Iraq, you can imagine the week that was for the Boston Globe. Every article, every column, every letter loaded with the same tired phrases and sentiments: "war of choice", "lies", "false pretenses", "blood and treasure", no weapons of mass destruction, no al Qaeda connection, $54 gazillion.

It's extraordinary the American public gets so little information about either Sens. Clinton or Obama's involvement in promoting the war in Iraq.

I will concede that every one knows Sen. Clinton, along with about 25 other Democrats, including the "brilliant" Sens. John F. Kerry and John Edwards, voted for the war. Clinton, Kerry, Edwards apologists argue these "brilliant" Senators were duped by a dope, though. And that qualifies any of them to be President how?

But, when's the last time you read that Senators Clinton and Obama voted for funding the war through a vote late in 2006? Neither has had the courage to show up for a vote on war funding in 1 1/2 years! Conveniently absent every time.

When's the last time you read that in a June 3, 2007 debate, Sen. Clinton declared "we are safer than we were" before 9/11?

When's the last time you read that Sen. Clinton declared on June 20, 2007 at the Take Back America conference that "the American military has succeeded" in Iraq?

It's been a while if you've read it at all.

The Boston Globe had this letter that could have run opposite the four hate-Bush letters it chose to publish today but the Globe decided the only opinions worthy of printing are the hate-Bush letters; facts and balance be damned.


Of course, Sen. Clinton's current anti-American, defeatist, attitude that "we cannot win" in Iraq does not square with her declaration on June 20, 2007 at the Take Back America conference that "the American military has succeeded" in Iraq (Clinton slams Bush, McCain on Iraq war, March 18, A14).

If only Sen. Clinton's actual words received a tenth of the scrutiny from the liberal media establishment that the liberal media establishment invested in President Bush's mythical words from aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (May 2003).

For those who do not recall President Bush's actual words from that speech, he warned that the war against terrorists was going to be a long one; how prophetic he. (End of letter.)

Okay, now I disappear for the Easter weekend; see you on Monday.


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