Busy! Busy! Busy!
In no particular order, these were my last few emails to the Boston Globe or to its stable of Leninists:
The Boston Globe sought fit to do an article on the Electoral College and then the bitter, hate-filled, editor of the letters page allowed a bitter, hate-filled leftist to lament that if popular vote decided Presidential elections, Vice President Al Gore would have been President in 2000. My logical, unpublished letter:
Those who think Al Gore should be President because he won the popular vote in 2000 probably think the Patriots should be Super Bowl champs because they had more first downs than the Giants (22 - 17) (Some contest push for a popular vote, Letters, February 28).
As the Giants would have tried to get more first downs during the Super Bowl if they knew BEFORE the Super Bowl that first downs would decide the winner, so, too, would have President Bush tried to get as many votes, regardless of what state the votes came from, had he known BEFORE the election that the popular vote would decide the winner.
Instead, the Giants scored points and President Bush won electoral votes; the Giants and President Bush tried to collect the things the rules said would decide the winner. Imagine that. (End of letter.)
If Al Gore spent anymore time in California than it took to jet in, pick up the bags of campaign contribution cash (unmarked bills, of course) from the Hollywood elites, and jet out during the 2000 Presidential campaign then Al Gore is an idiot. Al Gore ran up the score in California (plurality of over 1 million votes) and he lost Florida by 537 votes. Al Gore is an idiot. Al Gore's campaign staff from 2000 is loaded with idiots. Anyone who does not understand this is also an idiot.
A left-wing apologist letter-writer was allowed to “correct” the record and explain that Sens. Clinton and Kerry’s 2002 vote to authorize war in Iraq was not a vote to authorize war in Iraq. My fact-based, unpublished response:
I appreciate the Boston Globe's recent effort to allow letter writers to "correct" the record; failed as the effort was (Let's get this 'Iraq war vote' thing straight, Letters, February 28).
Now, please allow me to actually set the record straight on several topics:
The letter writer is delusional if he thinks Sen. Kerry's vote to authorize war was anything but that. To wit, on August 9, 2004, fully 22 months after he voted for the war and 17 months after the beginning of major combat operations, Sen. Kerry said he still would have voted for war even if he knew at the time that Saddam Hussein did not have WMD and there was no operational link between Saddam Hussein and terrorists (Kerry says he’d still vote to authorize war, Boston Globe, August 10, 2004).
President Bush never said "mission accomplished". Matter of fact, the entire text of his speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln warns about the long road ahead. Oh, President Bush never said Iraq was an "imminent threat" either.
The last time Sens. Clinton and Obama had the courage to vote on war funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (September 7, 2006; http://www.senate.gov/), they voted for the funding.
The Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth are 300 decorated Vietnam veterans who dared to express an opinion about who should be commander-in-chief; unfortunately, the group has no link to President Bush. There was a link between a senior member of Sen. Kerry's 2004 Presidential campaign and CBS' forged document smear-job of President Bush. (End of letter.)
Mr. or Ms. Shelley Murphy of the Boston Globe did an article on Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and his first decision as Governor to commute a felon’s sentence. The felon in this case is a convicted murder who shot a 26 year-old man in the head for the victim's wallet. The quotes are from Mr./Ms. Murphy’s article. My email to Mr./Ms. Murphy that went without a reply:
Ms. Murphy,
"One inmate, Willie Horton, raped a Maryland woman and stabbed her husband during a 1986 furlough."
First, the inmate is convicted murderer Willie Horton. He stabbed a teenage convenience store clerk 19 times AFTER the clerk emptied the cash register for Mr. Horton's "withdrawal". Mr. Horton dumped the not-quite-lifeless body of the boy into a dumpster to die in filth. Second, Mr. Horton raped Ms. Miller, she wasn't married to Mr. Barnes at the time, twice during a home invasion. Mr. Horton stabbed and cut Mr. Barnes over twenty times; Mr. Barnes bounded and gagged in the basement of his home while Mr. Horton brutalized Ms. Miller. Finally, Mr. Horton didn't skip out over the weekend, terrorize and brutalize two innocents and return on Monday. He skipped out on his furlough and was captured months later. But, you almost conveyed the facts properly. (Aside: Recall, Gov. Dukakis nor Lt. Gov. John F. Kerry ever met with Ms. Miller or Mr. Barnes and that President Bush did meet privately with Ms. Cindy Sheehan.)
"Benjamin LaGuer is a convicted rapist . . . ."
Mr. Benjamin LaGuer bound a 59 year-old woman and then raped her repeatedly for 8 hours.
What doesn't "loom large"? No mention of Mr. Carl Ray Songer?
Mr. Carl Ray Songer gut shot a Florida State Trooper 5 times! The Trooper died. Mr. Songer was convicted and sentenced to death, a death sentenced signed-off by liberal governor Bob Graham. The sentence apparently was too harsh for Mr. Patrick. He fought on Mr. Songer's behalf to reduce the sentence to life with the possibility of parole. Mr. Patrick prevailed. The entire criminal justice system should be so thrilled. (End of email.)
The Boston Globe announced last week it was AGAIN cutting jobs; the cold-blooded bastards! Maybe I mentioned it here, maybe I didn’t, but I recently exchanged emails with Globe columnist Ms. Joan Vennochi on the same topic when she was attacking Presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney for cutting jobs when he was a practicing capitalist. My email to Ms. Vennochi that did receive a very icy reply:
Ms. Vennochi,
Picking up on our recent "conversation", I see the Boston Globe is cutting jobs for the fourth time since 2001.
Your boss, Mr. Ainsley, said, "This reduction in staff is a difficult but necessary step toward our on-going goals of reducing costs and finding efficiencies that allow for the long-term health of our business." So that's the language Gov. Romney should have used when he was a practicing capitalist!
Or, I look forward to the Boston Globe editorial page writers now trashing Boston Globe and New York Times Co. management. It should be a fun read . . . if you are allowed.
Since I copied Messrs. Ainsley (I think) and Baron (I'm sure) I make one observation on declining revenues as mentioned in the article: just maybe the left-ratchet (meaning it is still moving) slant to everything is having an impact. Oh, no, it can't be that! Let's blame it all on the internet and 24/7 news. (End of email.)
In no particular order, these were my last few emails to the Boston Globe or to its stable of Leninists:
The Boston Globe sought fit to do an article on the Electoral College and then the bitter, hate-filled, editor of the letters page allowed a bitter, hate-filled leftist to lament that if popular vote decided Presidential elections, Vice President Al Gore would have been President in 2000. My logical, unpublished letter:
Those who think Al Gore should be President because he won the popular vote in 2000 probably think the Patriots should be Super Bowl champs because they had more first downs than the Giants (22 - 17) (Some contest push for a popular vote, Letters, February 28).
As the Giants would have tried to get more first downs during the Super Bowl if they knew BEFORE the Super Bowl that first downs would decide the winner, so, too, would have President Bush tried to get as many votes, regardless of what state the votes came from, had he known BEFORE the election that the popular vote would decide the winner.
Instead, the Giants scored points and President Bush won electoral votes; the Giants and President Bush tried to collect the things the rules said would decide the winner. Imagine that. (End of letter.)
If Al Gore spent anymore time in California than it took to jet in, pick up the bags of campaign contribution cash (unmarked bills, of course) from the Hollywood elites, and jet out during the 2000 Presidential campaign then Al Gore is an idiot. Al Gore ran up the score in California (plurality of over 1 million votes) and he lost Florida by 537 votes. Al Gore is an idiot. Al Gore's campaign staff from 2000 is loaded with idiots. Anyone who does not understand this is also an idiot.
A left-wing apologist letter-writer was allowed to “correct” the record and explain that Sens. Clinton and Kerry’s 2002 vote to authorize war in Iraq was not a vote to authorize war in Iraq. My fact-based, unpublished response:
I appreciate the Boston Globe's recent effort to allow letter writers to "correct" the record; failed as the effort was (Let's get this 'Iraq war vote' thing straight, Letters, February 28).
Now, please allow me to actually set the record straight on several topics:
The letter writer is delusional if he thinks Sen. Kerry's vote to authorize war was anything but that. To wit, on August 9, 2004, fully 22 months after he voted for the war and 17 months after the beginning of major combat operations, Sen. Kerry said he still would have voted for war even if he knew at the time that Saddam Hussein did not have WMD and there was no operational link between Saddam Hussein and terrorists (Kerry says he’d still vote to authorize war, Boston Globe, August 10, 2004).
President Bush never said "mission accomplished". Matter of fact, the entire text of his speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln warns about the long road ahead. Oh, President Bush never said Iraq was an "imminent threat" either.
The last time Sens. Clinton and Obama had the courage to vote on war funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (September 7, 2006; http://www.senate.gov/), they voted for the funding.
The Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth are 300 decorated Vietnam veterans who dared to express an opinion about who should be commander-in-chief; unfortunately, the group has no link to President Bush. There was a link between a senior member of Sen. Kerry's 2004 Presidential campaign and CBS' forged document smear-job of President Bush. (End of letter.)
Mr. or Ms. Shelley Murphy of the Boston Globe did an article on Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and his first decision as Governor to commute a felon’s sentence. The felon in this case is a convicted murder who shot a 26 year-old man in the head for the victim's wallet. The quotes are from Mr./Ms. Murphy’s article. My email to Mr./Ms. Murphy that went without a reply:
Ms. Murphy,
"One inmate, Willie Horton, raped a Maryland woman and stabbed her husband during a 1986 furlough."
First, the inmate is convicted murderer Willie Horton. He stabbed a teenage convenience store clerk 19 times AFTER the clerk emptied the cash register for Mr. Horton's "withdrawal". Mr. Horton dumped the not-quite-lifeless body of the boy into a dumpster to die in filth. Second, Mr. Horton raped Ms. Miller, she wasn't married to Mr. Barnes at the time, twice during a home invasion. Mr. Horton stabbed and cut Mr. Barnes over twenty times; Mr. Barnes bounded and gagged in the basement of his home while Mr. Horton brutalized Ms. Miller. Finally, Mr. Horton didn't skip out over the weekend, terrorize and brutalize two innocents and return on Monday. He skipped out on his furlough and was captured months later. But, you almost conveyed the facts properly. (Aside: Recall, Gov. Dukakis nor Lt. Gov. John F. Kerry ever met with Ms. Miller or Mr. Barnes and that President Bush did meet privately with Ms. Cindy Sheehan.)
"Benjamin LaGuer is a convicted rapist . . . ."
Mr. Benjamin LaGuer bound a 59 year-old woman and then raped her repeatedly for 8 hours.
What doesn't "loom large"? No mention of Mr. Carl Ray Songer?
Mr. Carl Ray Songer gut shot a Florida State Trooper 5 times! The Trooper died. Mr. Songer was convicted and sentenced to death, a death sentenced signed-off by liberal governor Bob Graham. The sentence apparently was too harsh for Mr. Patrick. He fought on Mr. Songer's behalf to reduce the sentence to life with the possibility of parole. Mr. Patrick prevailed. The entire criminal justice system should be so thrilled. (End of email.)
The Boston Globe announced last week it was AGAIN cutting jobs; the cold-blooded bastards! Maybe I mentioned it here, maybe I didn’t, but I recently exchanged emails with Globe columnist Ms. Joan Vennochi on the same topic when she was attacking Presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney for cutting jobs when he was a practicing capitalist. My email to Ms. Vennochi that did receive a very icy reply:
Ms. Vennochi,
Picking up on our recent "conversation", I see the Boston Globe is cutting jobs for the fourth time since 2001.
Your boss, Mr. Ainsley, said, "This reduction in staff is a difficult but necessary step toward our on-going goals of reducing costs and finding efficiencies that allow for the long-term health of our business." So that's the language Gov. Romney should have used when he was a practicing capitalist!
Or, I look forward to the Boston Globe editorial page writers now trashing Boston Globe and New York Times Co. management. It should be a fun read . . . if you are allowed.
Since I copied Messrs. Ainsley (I think) and Baron (I'm sure) I make one observation on declining revenues as mentioned in the article: just maybe the left-ratchet (meaning it is still moving) slant to everything is having an impact. Oh, no, it can't be that! Let's blame it all on the internet and 24/7 news. (End of email.)
I think "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" is sexist. Its only purpose is to emasculate young males and further advance the anti-male agenda.
OK, I'll bite. I don't think this day exists anymore, not even in Massachusetts.
Are you kidding me? It's quite alive and well in my home state of New Jersey!!In fact, it's a huge event in our area- almost everyone participates in some fashion.
Its "purpose is to emasculate young males" and an "anti-male agenda" -- that's a bit scary. You sound like a whiny liberal.
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