Monday, October 04, 2010

Unless Pakistani Targets Don't Have WSJ Subscription

My letter to the Wall Street Journal on Saturday; it needs no introduction or explanation:


When you wrote, "The U.S. military is secretly diverting aerial drones and weaponry from the Afghan battlefront to significantly expand the CIA's campaign against militants in their Pakistani havens", you surely meant "was". Today, the U.S. military simply "is diverting" (CIA Escalates in Pakistan, Saturday/Sunday October 2 - 3, 2010, A1).

Additionally on the matter, it will be interesting to see if the Democrats and liberals who demagogued U.S. troops in Afghanistan being "under-resourced" during the Bush years will voice the same demagoguery criticizing the Obama Administration. Or, like so many hypocritical Democrats and liberals have gone quiet on antiseptic and extrajudical use of drones anywhere, Guantanamo, indefinite detention of terrorists, military tribunals, wiretaps, the USA PATRIOT Act, state secrets, renditions, signing statements, releasing certain DOD photographs, the media ban at Dover, Gen. David Petraeus, sanctions on Iran and Burma, and supplementals to fund wars, to name just a few of the qualifying issues, will the same hypocritical Democrats and liberals also go quiet on Obama shorting our troops in Afghanistan? (End of letter.)


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