Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Redefining Words Continues

It's been a long time since I sent my "news"paper a letter; here's what I sent last week.

Joshua Green is a liberal extremist who appears to be auditioning for a regular column on the editorial page.

The letter needs no introduction. For those who are unfamiliar with my "Bush's Third Term" and "Obama Is Wearing Bush's Clothes" letters, you may want to see those posts in the January 2009 - March 2009 time frame.

The letter:


Mr. Joshua Green wrote, "No president’s legacy is more tarnished than that of George W. Bush . . . . (A project for Bush: Clean energy, September 9, A17)."

However, the facts convincingly say otherwise, for a widely popular President Obama, who won 53% of the popular vote in succeeding President Bush, has validate and vindicated Bush with just about every significant decision except ObamaCare and U.S. Supreme Court nominees.

Why, in the very same issue as Mr. Green's column we read that Obama reasserted Bush on state secrets and extraordinary renditions before the notoriously liberal US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and prevailed (US court tosses suit on secrecy grounds, A8)!

Other notable Obama vindications of Bush, spanning the full spectrum of matters, would include retaining Bush's entire military heirarchy (Gates, Mullen and Petraeus), military tribunals, the USA PATRIOT Act, the prisons at Guantanomo Bay and Bagram Air Base, TARP, the GM bailout, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, faith-based initiatives, No Child Left Behind, the grey wolf, the polar bear, and newly added just yesterday, Obama asking Congress to extend Bush's lower and middle class tax cuts.

Tarnished? Hardly. Matter of fact, a President's legacy might not have ever been validated more quickly when succeeded by a President of the opposing party than Bush's has.

Well, unless Mr. Green's next column is about the tarnished Presidency of Obama, of course. (End of letter to the editor.)


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