The Asinine Editorial Board at the Boston Globe
Well, my (news)paper finally did it, it endorsed State Attorney General Martha Coakley in the special election to fill the seat vacated by Sen. Edward Kennedy.
The Globe endorsed Coakley over State Senator Scott Brown, who supports President Obama's new, comprehensive strategy for the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Coakley has vowed to "happily" oppose the President.
In a debate earlier this week, Coakley stated that the Taliban were no longer in Afghanistan, "they're gone".
The Globe's editorial is 1,209 words.
These words do not appear even once:
national security
I'm not going to provide the link because the endorsement is an abomination.
The President playing golf; two more US troops were killed in Afghanistan today.
Well, my (news)paper finally did it, it endorsed State Attorney General Martha Coakley in the special election to fill the seat vacated by Sen. Edward Kennedy.
The Globe endorsed Coakley over State Senator Scott Brown, who supports President Obama's new, comprehensive strategy for the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Coakley has vowed to "happily" oppose the President.
In a debate earlier this week, Coakley stated that the Taliban were no longer in Afghanistan, "they're gone".
The Globe's editorial is 1,209 words.
These words do not appear even once:
national security
I'm not going to provide the link because the endorsement is an abomination.
The President playing golf; two more US troops were killed in Afghanistan today.
Okay, I let the first two golfing pictures go by without comment. But, although I lack the time, energy and will to go back through your old posts, I suspect that if I did I would find posts defending Bush against criticisms of his not working hard enough and going to the ranch in times of crisis, etc.
The reason why I try to avoid politics and political discussion as much as I can is that I see so many instances where each side does exactly the same things as the other side does, but either criticizes those things or defends them depending on which side of the fence they happen to be sitting on at that particular moment in time.
If you did not defend Bush against charges of him not working hard enough, then my apologies. But if so, think what you would have posted two years ago in response to pictures of Bush playing golf or riding a horse.
ZacklyRight's Conscience,
I accept your apology.
4:31 pm; 1/15
Did you join the Democrats in criticizing Bush when he went home to the ranch or went golfing? Regardless, I still despise politics.
I also don't think it's valid to criticize a president -- Bush or Obama -- for trying to catch some recreation. I think everyone, including a President, needs down time to function effectively. So, I wouldn't want my President to be trying to do his job 24/7.
ZacklyRight's Conscience,
President Obama had golfed more by August of last year than Bush golfed in 8 years. I'm not criticizing the President because I know he takes the White House with him no matter where he goes, just as Bush did. What I'm doing in mocking all the Bush-haters who criticized so unmercifully when there was nothing to criticize.
Tell me though, how many times did you post on message boards to defend Bush from the hateful attacks directed his way?
6:18 pm 1/16
No, I didn't defend Bush on any other message boards because I didn't post on any other message boards. Like I said, I despise politics.
The reason for my post was that I know that you disagreed with the criticisms of Bush for goin to the rantch, etc. It strikes me that by criticizing Obama for golfing (that's the way your posts read; at the very minimum, they create that appearance), you are joining in the hypocracy of the Bush-hater, rather than mocking them.
ZacklyRight's Conscience,
I appreciate the feedback. Thank you.
I don't recall people really ever criticizing Bush for taking too many vacations or golfing too much. I believe he gave up golf during his Presidency out of respect for the soldiers on the front lines who were doing nothing as close to fun as golfing. I also don't recall Bush really going anywhere on his time off except to the Crawford ranch. He didn't hang out at Martha's Vineyard,have date night in NYC, take a trip to the Grand Canyon with extended family in tow or a ten day trip to Hawaii along with many friends and family on the taxpayer's dime. Why doesn't Obama ever just go "home" to Chicago on his time off? Personally,I find his amount of vacation time appalling and photos of him golfing on a daily basis truly offensive especially since we are a country at war.
right of center,
First, good to hear from you. It' been a while. I appreciate you sticking with me while I grind through a hectic time. Posting regularly has become quite difficult.
Second, based on punctuation and other subtle style differences, I don't think "ZacklyRight's Conscience" is "zacklyright's conscience" so don't be disappointed in the arguments of the latter participant.
Third, the latter participant tries to accuse me of hypocrisy yet knows nothing of my posts re: Bush on the matter (as "zacklyright's conscience" would) nor does the latter note the very first sentence in my post subsequent to this one: I SUPPORT OBAMA ON A MILLION NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES.
The point I've been trying to drive home for 13 months is the hate-Bush-all-the-time liberal extremists are the real, honest-to-goodness, hypocrites. They hammered Bush incessantly for "shredding the Constitution". Obama has reasserted Bush on almost everything and the hate-Bushers go silent. ZacklyRight's Conscience hates politics but engages in enough to challenge me? It's laughable. The hypocrites, as I've shown over the last 13 months, are the unhinged and delusional liberal extremists.
Tomorrow, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts elects a Senator who SUPPORTS the Commander-in-Chief - my newspaper will not recognize this relevant fact.
7:40 pm; 1/18
I agree on the there being 2 "Consciences", the arguments were so weak from this one plus the original "Conscience" never would have mispelled "hypocrisy" as "hypocracy".
Hey, phony Conscience, why not come up with an original name of your own? The possibilities are endless, dude!!
ZacklyRight, it's good to be back.
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