Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sen. Joseph Maxwell Cleland

A reader asked me about Sen. Max Cleland in my last post. Based on the wording of the question, the reader appears to have an unfavorable opinion of Sen. Cleland.

Captain and Sen. Joseph Maxwell (Max) Cleland did not "drop a grenade on himself." After spending quite a bit of time researching this (research that started during the 2004 Presidential election), it appears that Cpt. Max Cleland picked-up a "hair-triggered" grenade that another soldier dropped on a helicopter pad in Vietnam. I don't know how a grenade so armed did not explode when it was dropped, but it didn't. Instead, it exploded after it was picked-up by Cpt. Cleland. He lost an arm and two legs in the explosion.

On April 4, 1968 (also the day Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated), Captain Cleland earned the Silver Star; on April 8, 1968, Captain Cleland lost three limbs.

It is absolutely true that Sen. John F. Kerry and the machinery of the Democrat Party exploited Sen. Cleland during the 2004 Presidential election and the Democrats continue to exploit him today. Sen. Cleland's service to his Country, and his tremendous personal sacrifice, cannot be impugned. The truth of his injuries does not diminish his service, yet the national Democrats, with the national liberal media as an accomplice, continue to misrepresent Sen. Cleland's injuries; they almost seem embarrassed that the injuries were not the result of enemy fire. Sen. Cleland's bravery and service are honorable enough. How can Sen. Cleland's extraordinary service to his Country not be enough for the national Democrats?

Captain Max Cleland wore the uniform of the United States of America and 38 years ago carried a rifle in a swamp halfway around the world because the Commander-in-Chief, President Lyndon Johnson, said he should. Returning from combat where he very easily could have sustained the injuries he did receive, he fell victim to a tragic accident. I was asked for my thoughts on Sen. Cleland. I think Sen. Cleland is an America hero. I disagree with his pro-abortion positions, his disregard for the Second Amendment, and his desire to raise taxes, but he's still an American hero. Being an American hero does not entitle anyone to a seat in the United States Senate, however.

Two hundred and fifty-five Swift Boat Veterans that didn't think Sen. John F. Kerry was fit to be Commander-in-Chief carried rifles in a swamp halfway around the world as well.

For what is only the "next" time because I know I will write it again, ALL veterans that have something to say should be heard. They should ALL be treated with dignity and respect. And, then, let the voters decide, as they did in Georgia when the voters decided to not return an American hero to the U.S. Senate in 2002.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your posting regarding Max Cleland, John Kerry and the Swift Boat Vets reminds me that it has been more than one year since John Kerry promised to sign the appropriate DOD form to release ALL of his military records. Of course he has not yet done so. Ordinarily, given the outcome of the '04 election, I would consider Kerry to be a mere footnote in U.S. presidential election history and not concern myself with this issue any further. However, Kerry appears to be in a fantasy world where he believes he can get the nomination in '08. (This explains his short-lived Alito fillibuster.) I'm not a regular Boston Globe reader. Are they pursuing Kerry and reporting on this issue? I thought the Globe had previously tried to obtain all records but like other media outlets had to settle for selected records released from the Kerry campaign itself. Good luck with the Blog.

12:18 PM  

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