Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The PEOPLE Make Laws

A quote from today by Sen. Orrin Hatch:

"Like America's founders, Judge Alito clearly believes in self-government, that the people and not judges should make law, and that judges have an important role but must know and stay in their proper place." Hmm. Looks like something the readers of this space may have seen on January 19.

Next, we learn from Mr. James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal (If You Choose Not to Decide, You Still Have Made a Choice, January 23, A17) that Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's opinion in Ayotte was the first and only abortion ruling by the U.S Supreme Court that was agreed to unanimously! I was certainly justified in using the word "extremist" (post of January 23, but I didn't see the article until January 24) to describe the Senators that would vote against a nominee who would have joined this opinion. Who, exactly, is out of touch with mainstream America?

Still working on the impeachment post. As a teaser, Democrats are hyperventilating about impeaching a president that may have broken the law to protect the lives of Americans; the same Democrats that voted not to convict an impeached president who perjured himself and obstructed justice all to prevent a woman from pursuing a sexual harassment suit against him. And Democrats wonder why they don't control any branch of the Federal government.


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