Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ditherer-in-Chief Continues to Dither
Liberal Media Now Carrying Ditherer's Water

Today, Afghan President Hamid Karzai agreed to a run-off election against former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah.

Today, my ‘news’paper ran an editorial arguing President Obama should wait until after the November 7 run-off election, which is after the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections, before he announces his decision on his General’s request for as many as 60,000 troops to support the 68,000 troops already in Afghanistan that the Obama-Biden Administration admits it is “under-resourcing”.

Today, my ‘news’paper reported that prior to Karzai’s decision, he was pressured by:
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
US Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, and
US Senator John F. Kerry (D, MA), chairman of the ‘powerful’ Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Not mentioned in any press report that I can find is that Obama’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, made any contact with Karzai.

Today, the newswires are reporting that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is stating that Obama cannot wait until November 7 to make his decision on whether to honor the request of his General for 60,000 additional troops to support the 68,000 troops in Afghanistan that the Obama-Biden Administration is under-resourcing.

My take:

Of Clinton, Eikenberry, Holbrooke and Kerry, some one is extremely impotent.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates should either be fired or resign . . . but I typed this months ago.


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